E-marketing is one of the most powerful means of digital marketing, to achieve brand awareness and more profits, as it carries many advantages, including that it is one of the free marketing channels that can be used to promote your business and the products or services you offer to interact with it and benefit from it, in addition to The presence of more than 3 billion email users around the world, which guarantees access to the largest possible number of targeted customers … So let’s first get to know the concept of email marketing.
Email Marketing Concept
It is the use of various e-mail sites to send advertising and promotional messages about brands and what they offer in terms of products and services, and with the passage of time, e-mail marketing has become one of the important marketing tools through which you can achieve many goals for your company, such as: Building a real connection with customers, increasing the rate Sales, increase conversion rates, gain a permanent active audience, share the latest updates and news of your brand, promote a list of new products and services, learn about customer reviews and opinions, and other important corporate goals.
Therefore, in this article, we will cover a set of tips for successful email marketing campaigns:
1- Set your goals first
In the beginning, you must define your goals, so that you can develop a good plan, by answering a set of questions, including Why do I send emails ?, Who is the target audience ?, What value can I provide to subscribers ?, What are the goals of mail marketing Mail?
2- Customize content for each client
The more information you have about the target audience, the easier it will be to divide them into groups according to age, gender, location, or any other variable that suits you. Do not fall into the trap of sending the same public email to all individuals on the company’s mailing list. Rather, you should customize the content and send messages. The nature of each category of the audience that you communicate with is suitable, which leads to an increase in interaction with e-mails instead of ignoring them, as research has shown an increase in the rate of opening messages by 41% when using a dedicated address such as adding the subscriber’s name.
3- Reward your customer
Rapid response with the customer increases its effectiveness, so reward your customer who registered his email in your list with a welcome message confirming your happiness with his subscription, tell him about the features that he will get, let him know better about your website and its services that can benefit him, such as what the Marketing team does With his clients.
4- Schedule emails
Your commitment to a specific date during which you send messages to your customers increases the ability to browse and interact with them, whether monthly or weekly, but the most important thing is commitment and maintaining the schedule of appointments, which makes the customer eager and waiting for your messages, but you have to choose the best times to send messages, and that is through experience to determine Best dates for customer interaction with you.
5- Use occasions correctly
Studies have confirmed that emotion and feelings have a major role in the buying process, so you have to properly use occasions such as holidays, vacations, the start and end of the study season, and others to create a kind of emotional bonding with the customer, which affects the decision to buy your products or services, so we do not forget to congratulate our customers Pmarktion on various occasions.
If you are selling a book, talk about customer opinions in this book, what value it has added to them, and if you sell household products, talk about the sense of comfort and saving effort that it gives to using such devices and others.
6- Provide messages suitable for mobile phones
Presenting e-mails in a way that suits the mobile screen increases the likelihood that the audience will see them, which will ensure the success of the marketing process, so you should consider writing the content in the form of one column so that all the words will fit in the mobile screen, using suitable font size for display on the mobile, with the placing of the invitation buttons Take a CTA in clear places so that it is easy for the customer to click on it.
Away from the field of your brand or the size of your business and the services or products you provide, you will find your customers using e-mail, so it is one of the most important marketing tools that you should use to achieve your commercial goals and the best communication with your customers at the lowest cost.